Recent Integrated Case Studies

Dr. Geeta Kadayaprath
Dr. Geeta Kadayaprath has been associated with Surgical Oncology for the past 21 years with a special interest in breast cancer. Gained valuable experience in treating a whole range of cancers. She is actively engaged in performing the entire range of surgeries recommended for breast cancer including modified radical mastectomies, breast conservation surgeries, onco-plastic breast conservation surgeries, mastectomies with immediate reconstruction, sentinel lymph node biopsies and excision of stereotactically localised lesions etc.
Client : Dr. Geeta Kadayaprath
Industry : Doctor
Services : Website | SEO | SM0
Case Study Term : December 2018 – On Going
Background : He brings with him the surgical experience of India’s top academic institution like AIIMS along with many international prestigious institutions.
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